Embers Bristol
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5 reasons to get your wood burning stove this summer

28-April-2017 16:15
in General
by Admin

Charnwood C4 Embers Bristol

Ok so thinking about winter during summer might be the last thing you want to do but here at Embers Bristol we believe that summer time is actually the best time to get a wood burning stove installed in your property. Here’s our 5 reasons why:

1 It’s cost effective

Firstly it can be the most cost effective time of year to get a log burner installed. That’s because it is officially the industries ‘low season’, (until the world reads this blog post that is!) and as such you can often pick up some really good deals. Here at Embers Bristol we have our own Summer Offer which we’ve been doing for a few years now. We’ve combined installation and stove into a set price starting from only £1,450.00. We’ve found this to be a really popular offer as customers can have a fixed price for the stove installation itself and can often find time to do or organised the preparation work themselves if needed. This takes me onto our second point –

2 Summer is the time for home improvements

Over summer we have longer days, better weather (sometimes) and a bit of time off work. so Summer is a good time for home improvement, DIY and generally getting stuff sorted before those cold, dark, wintery nights draw in and hibernation begins again (ok we’re not all hedgehogs but you get my point). So why not get that wood burner you’ve always dreamed about organised whilst working through the other tasks on your list well in advance of the industries ‘high season’. You can save a bit of money too by getting your hands dirty and doing some of the prep work done in advance and

3 Avoid the Winter rush

The ‘high season’ of Stove Installation is often referred to as ‘silly’ season amongst industry veterans due to the customer demand for appliances and installations and the coveted Christmas in front of a new burner. Every year at Embers Bristol we experience this rush without fail. The floodgates open from the start of September and we’ll be booking up all the way to Christmas Eve. By planning ahead you will avoid the inevitable ‘silly season’ winter rush.

4 Master your new stove

So by thinking ahead you will avoid the rush and when the cold does come, and while everyone else is still ‘curing’ their brand new stove, you’ll be a master in the art of fire building with the right quality wood in stock and generally reaping the benefits of your new fire. You’ll know all about moisture meters, stove pipe thermometers and thermos-electric fans (and they’ll be on your Christmas list ; ). You’ll also have the chance to find a good source of well-seasoned or kiln dried hardwood, and somewhere to store it, before the inevitable rush for firewood begins too.

5 Summer doesn’t necessarily mean warmer

Also In my experience British summertime is not always guaranteed to be, sorry guys, sunny or warm… so on those more chilly mornings or evenings when you really can’t bring yourself to turn on the central heating there is nothing more satisfying then firing up your burner to keep the place cosy. This is certainly the case during autumn and spring as the stove will come into its own as your favourite heat source in your most popular room where you can all huddle around its glowing embers.

Check out our Summer Offer 2017 which includes the Charnwood C4 pictured above.

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0117 925 1115

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Ember Bristol,
117-119 St Georges Road,
College Green,

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Weds - Fri - 10.30 - 17.30
[Closed between 12.30 - 13.30]
Sat - 10.30 - 15.00
[Closed between 12.30 - 13.00]
Sun - Mon - Closed

Please note:

We will be closed for our annual shutdown
from Tues 30th July - Weds 7th August.